
All hair extensions and products are non-refundable and non-transferable. If you believe you received the wrong item or a damaged item, please email siestakeyhair@gmail.com within 48 hours of receiving your order. 
Actual product color may vary slightly from the image shown. Every monitor or mobile display has a different capability to display colors, and every individual may see there’s colors differently. In addition, lighting conditions at the time the photo was taken can affect an images color. 
If you ordered hair extensions or products from a Siesta Key Hair retailer and have questions or concerns about your order, please contact the retailer directly. 
All out of stock hair extensions or products take 14-20 business days to arrive. You will receive an email if your order is out of stock.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm (GMT)
Saturday 10am to 6pm
Sunday 10am to 4pm